What parents and pupils say about our school!

Why parents love our school:

“The year our daughter spent in the kindergarten at Raheen Wood was a magical time for our whole family. Each day she came home singing the seasonal circle time songs and emptying her pockets of treasures collected from a walk in the woods. The kindergarten nourished her boundless sense of wonder and discovery. Her time there exemplified an educational experience most in tune with the true nature of childhood.”
“It means the world to me that my son finds school so much fun! I feel that the lessons are taught in a way that maintain the child’s enthusiasm for the subject. My son comes home telling me of all the maths games he has played that day, he loves maths class!”
“There is a wonderful sense of growth throughout the whole school. It feels that instead of forcing education into children, that their abilities are drawn out from them instead. Parents, teachers and  the children seem to flourish in this environment. My son certainly is.”


Why children love our school:

“Pizza Day!”
“I love the trees, it’s really fun climbing them”
“I adore Games and Handwork”
“I like that you can run around free in the environment”
“My favourite lesson is Handwork. Another of my favourite things is Drama”